Congregation Liaisons: Outreach and Servant Ministries Committee
The vision of Hopelink is a community free of poverty, and it strives to accomplish this by promoting self-sufficiency for all members of our community, providing stability and helping people gain the skills and knowledge they need to exit poverty for good.
Hopelink’s programs and services focus on nine categories of assistance: adult education, emergency financial help, employment services, energy assistance, family development, financial literacy, food assistance, housing, and transportation. The agency’s service centers, housing and transportation programs help more than 60,000 people every year.
Saint Andrew’s supports Hopelink with budgeted funds, volunteering at Hopelink, monetary donations from congregation members, and through donations of food in the Corner of Blessing, the SOUPer Bowl of Caring, and the Mayors’ Day of Concern for the Hungry.
Corner of Blessing
All donations help support those in our community who are in need. Bring donations to the Corner of Blessing in the Narthex.
Always Welcome and Needed: Paper Grocery Bags
January Corner of Blessings:
Hopelink has asked us to collect shelf-stable breakfast foods for January. These include boxes of cereal, pancake/waffle mixes, grits, oats, etc. The directors of the food bank and their customers really like it when we collect cereal. They don’t often have much cereal on their shelves. When they purchase cereal, they don’t get much of a variety. So, they really appreciate the wide variety that we provide.
So, for January we will be collecting:
- Boxes of Cold cereal*
- Pancake/waffle mixes (16 - 32 ounce)
- Oatmeal regular (~18 ounce) or instant (6 – 10 count)
- Grits (21 – 24 ounce)
*(Note: Costco packaging with two boxes taped/glued together that can be separated into two boxes are OK, but NOT the single box with two bags inside. They can’t be separated in their market.)