Congregation Liaisons: Outreach and Servant Ministries Committee

The vision of Hopelink  is a community free of poverty, and it strives to accomplish this by promoting self-sufficiency for all members of our community, providing stability and helping people gain the skills and knowledge they need to exit poverty for good.

Hopelink’s programs and services focus on nine categories of assistance: adult education, emergency financial help, employment services, energy assistance, family development, financial literacy, food assistance, housing, and transportation. The agency’s service centers, housing and transportation programs help more than 60,000 people every year.

Saint Andrew’s supports Hopelink with budgeted funds, volunteering at Hopelink, monetary donations from congregation members, and through donations of food in the Corner of Blessing, the SOUPer Bowl of Caring, and the Mayors’ Day of Concern for the Hungry.

Corner of Blessing

All donations help support those in our community who are in need. Bring donations to the Corner of Blessing in the Narthex.

Always Welcome and NeededPaper Grocery Bags

February Corner of Blessings:

Hopelink has asked us to do something a little different for February and collect canned cat food, canned dog food and small bags of dry cat food(5-10 pounds).  We recognize that this is an unusual request to support their food bank.  The director of the Bellevue food bank provided this information in support of their request:

“A bit of background – we historically have received donations of pet food from the local Seattle Humane Society (in Bellevue).  We rarely receive wet/canned pet food, and have not been receiving any cat food at all.  It is very common that people who are food insecure are also pet food insecure.  Pet food is not something that people can purchase with their monthly food stamp benefits. “

So, for February we will be collecting:

Canned cat food

Canned dog food

Small bags of dry cat food (5-10 pounds)