Coordinator: Discipleship Ministries
Staff Liaison:
Doug Johnson, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Pastor Lara Forbes
Confirmation (Youth Education) classes are geared toward students in grades 6-8, and are held on Sundays during Discipleship Hour at 9:00 am.
Classes prepare Saint Andrew’s youth to understand and affirm their faith, usually on Reformation Sunday following the end of their 8th grade year.
Younger or older youth may participate as well – please speak with Doug Johnson to learn more.
Cornerstone Ministry
Our curriculum is called Cornerstone Ministry, and our weekly lessons follow the Narrative Lectionary.
Each Sunday, all youth grades 6-12 gather together in 322/Conference Room at the start of class (9:00 am) to read the lesson and learn about the week’s theme. After the short large group instruction we break into a high school group and a middle school group. Each small group discusses the text, theme, and questions.
Each week families get Sunday’s lesson emailed to them to use at home or to later talk with their youth. Each lesson has information, questions to discuss, and “Home Reflections” with activities to do as a family throughout the week to reflect on that Sunday’s lesson. It is a way for your family to continue to engage the bible and your faith throughout the week!
Contact Director of Youth and Family Ministries Doug Johnson, or 425-746-2529, with questions.