The weekly enews of Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue WA
September 25, 2024 |
Prayer God most mighty, God most merciful, our sacred stories tell us that you help and save your people. You are the fortress: may there be no more war. You are the harvest: may there be no more hunger. You are the light: may no one die alone or in despair. God most majestic, God most motherly, grant us your life, the life that flows from your Son and the Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
All Creation Sings, pg. 49
All Church Work Party: Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Celebration Of Life: Saturday, September 28, 3:00 pm, Sanctuary and via Livestream
September 29, 2024 – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Worship: 10:00 am In-person and Livestream on YouTube (visit Readings: Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8 New Members being received in worship. Discipleship Hour Forum ~ A Study Of Dementia |
News to Share
Changes in Communications! As mentioned in the September 18th issue of Trendings, with the help of the Communications Task Force we’ve been hard at work in the church office streamlining our communications processes, and we are ready to implement some changes and updates. The ones that will have an immediate and direct impact on you are:
• The October issue of The Voice will be the final issue of our monthly newsletter. • Trendings will still be sent out weekly on Wednesdays via email and there will still be printed copies available at the church. You will also be able to request that a printed copy be mailed to you either once, or on a regular basis. • Beginning with the October 2nd issue, Trendings will be expanded to include information about events and activities 2-3 weeks in advance so that you can plan ahead. We will also include “Save the Date!” notices when applicable. • Each issue of Trendings will feature updates from different areas of ministry. For example – one week you will hear from Pastor Lara. Other weeks you will hear from Youth and Family, the Finance Committee, the Council President, Outreach, etc. • Trendings and the church website will be your primary sources for information about events and activities at SALC. • We will launch a new website in October. It will be in an up-to-date format that is easier to navigate, including on mobile devices. It will housed in, which is the platform for our membership database, Breeze. This will help save us money because we’re already paying for that service. • Effective Tuesday, October 1st, the deadline for information (i.e. – announcements) to be included in Trendings and the Sunday worship bulletin will be Tuesdays at 12:00pm. Please contact Kathy Fisher ( or Pastor Lara ( if you have any questions about this.
NW Washington Synod LiVE Project
Food Collection for Hopelink
Volunteers for Youth and Family Activities
Coming Up Holden Village’s Jubilee Auction is an online event in October . Your support provides the necessary budget for maintenance, supplies and staffing for all programs and Village life. Check it out! Auction Schedule: The auction OPENS at 8:00 am Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 2 and CLOSES at 5:00 pm Pacific Time on Sunday, October 6. Find Auction information HERE or on Holden Village’s main page HERE. Handbell Choir Chancel Choir
Outreach Opportunities
Corner of Blessing Collection:
Covid Tests The US government is again offering FREE COVID test kits. Go HERE for more information on ordering and updates on viability of older kits you may have.
Visit our Outreach and Servant Ministries webpage for more opportunities to serve.
Looking Ahead Items marked with “**” require advance sign-up. Select the link to sign up. ** Sign up online for date(s) to be a Greeter or Coffee Host ** All Church Work Day, September 28, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Dorcas Circle, October 1, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm W.E.B.S. (Women’s Early Book Study) begins October 2, 10:00 am Weekly: Tuesday Morning Men, 8:30 am, via Zoom
Please submit items for the next Trendings to, by Tuesday, October 1, at 12 N.
Trendings @ Saint Andrew’s is the weekly email communication of Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church. |