August 21, 2024
God our creator, by your holy prophet Jeremiah you taught your ancient people to seek the welfare of the cities in which they lived. We commend our neighborhood to your care, that it might be kept free from social strife and decay. Give us strength of purpose and concern for others, that we may create here a community of justice and peace where your will may be done; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A prayer for the neighborhood (ELW page 78)
August 25, 2024 - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Worship: 10:00 am, Ebright Creek Park, 1317 212th Ave SE, Sammamish, WA 98075
Outdoor Worship with Eastside ELCA Congregations Saint Andrew's will participate in an outdoor worship service with the other eastside ELCA congregations. We will gather at Ebright Creek Park for worship at 10:00 am, and then enjoy a potluck picnic lunch afterward. - The Worship Service will be bilingual English/Chinese and there will be a printed bulletin. - Parking: the parking lot has a limited number of spaces, so we are asking that it be reserved for those with mobility issues/concerns. Everyone who is able is asked to park on the street and walk in. - Carpooling is encouraged. Contact Sherry Grindeland, or 425-746-2529, if you would like to ride with someone else OR if you can provide a ride for others. - Seating: Please bring your own chair if you are able; however, folding chairs will be available for anyone who needs one. - Potluck Picnic Lunch: All plates, eating utensils, etc. will be provided. Please bring a salad or other potluck dish to share, and any serving utensils needed. Mark if the dish is gluten-free, dairy-free, etc. Please do NOT bring any dish that has nuts in it.
Please note: there is no worship service or any other activities at Saint Andrew's on August 25.
Worship Service at Our Savior Lutheran in Issaquah If you do not wish to worship at Ebright Creek Park, you are invited to worship at Our Savior Lutheran, 745 Front Street South, Issaquah. Their service is at 10:00 am, in-person and livestreamed on YouTube.
News to Share
Carl Nims We received word that our brother in Christ, Carl Nims, died on August 19. Carl and his wife Ingeborg were active members of Saint Andrew's for many years before moving to Texas a few months ago. Carl sang in the Chancel Choir, and also shared his musical gift by singing solos during worship services. Please hold Ingeborg and all of their family in prayer.
NW Washington Synod LiVE Project LiVE (rhymes with "give") is a ministry of the Northwest Washington Synod and offers education opportunities for lay people, with the goal of forming Christian leaders able to make sense of our place in God's world. LiVE is a hybrid-style learning community, including: in-person retreats, courses and cohorts via zoom, and opportunities for a-synchronous engagement via our online learning platform. Saint Andrew�s has purchased a congregation �bundle�, meaning that the cost of any LiVE offering is covered for anyone from the congregation. To learn more about LiVE and the course offerings (the first one begins in September), visit
Volunteers for Youth and Family Activities We did a lot in 2023-2024 with our children, youth, and families, and need your help for 2024-2025! Sign up in the Narthex to help with an event/activity in September/October. Or, contact Doug Johnson,, or the Discipleship Ministries Committee to ask about ways you can help!
Food Collection for Hopelink For August, Hopelink has asked us to help them gear up for back-to-school by collecting granola bars! Any size packaging is good. Hopelink also appreciates the paper bags we supply to them. Bring all donations to the Corner of Blessing in the Narthex.
Coming Up
Parking Lot Re-Sealing is Complete The Saint Andrew�s parking lot was re-sealed last week, and the parking lot is fully open. Our generous neighbors the Latter Day Saints did this work for us!
Root Beer Float Sunday Sunday, September 1, 11:15 am, Fellowship Hall Yum! Join us for the Second Annual Root Beer Float Sunday on September 1. We will gather right after the church service in the Fellowship Hall to indulge in this summer treat. Volunteers are needed to scoop ice cream. Let Fellowship Coordinator Sherry Grindeland know if you can help: 425-746-2529 or
Outreach Opportunities
Corner of Blessing Collection: August: Granola Bars (any size package) September: �Baking Makings� �sugar, flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, yeast Ongoing: paper grocery bags
Visit our Outreach and Servant Ministries webpage for more opportunities to serve.
Looking Ahead
Items marked with �**� require advance sign-up. Select the link to sign up.
** Sign up online for date(s) to be a Greeter or Coffee Host
Dorcas Circle, September 3, 9:30 am � 12:30 pm
Timber Ridge Worship, September 5, 2:00 pm, Timber Ridge, Issaquah
** God�s Work, Our Hands Service Project, September 7, 10:00 am � 2:00 pm, off-site near Factoria
Discipleship Forums begin, September 8, 9:00 am
Chancel Choir Rehearsals begin, September 12, 7:00 pm
** Youth Pizza Party, September 13, 6:00 pm � 8:00 pm
Youth Education and Sunday Church School classes begin, September 15, 9:00 am
KnitWits, September 15, 11:15 am
Bellevue Churches Steering Committee Meeting, September 21, 10:00 am, at Saint Andrew�s
** Community Game Night, September 22, 5:00 pm � 7:00 pm, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Mercer Island
Tuesday Morning Men, 8:30 am, via Zoom
Saint Andrew�s Calendar
Please submit items for the next Trendings to Susan Hegedus,, by Wednesday, August 28, at 9:00 am.
Find us on:
For Families:
 Saint Andrew�s Lutheran Church 2650 148th AVE SE, Bellevue, WA 98007-6452 425.746.2529
Growing Together In Christ To Love and Serve All People
Saint Andrew�s is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation 
Trendings @ Saint Andrew�s is the weekly email communication of Saint Andrew�s Lutheran Church. To unsubscribe, please contact Mary in the office ( and ask to be removed.