Discipleship Forum Recording – LGBTQ+ Inclusion – October 17, 2021

Chair Beth Donahoe and members of the LGBTQ+ Inclusion Task Force Description: The LGBTQ+ Inclusion Group is working to help Saint Andrew’s become a Reconciling in Christcongregation. In this...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – The Plaster House – October 10, 2021

Sarah Rejman, Founder and Director of The Plaster House Description: The Plaster House in Tanzania provides surgical rehabilitation to children with disabilities. Isis one of Saint Andrew’s...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – Our Asian Neighbors – October 3, 2021

Reverend Dr. Joseph Li Description: Reverend Joseph ‘Joe’ Li (Th.D.), currently serving in the Northwest Washington Synod’s ministry with Chinese post-graduate students at the University of...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – The Roots of Hate and the Fruits of Faith – September 26, 2021

Reverend Dr. Timothy Weber Description: What fuels hate in our world and how does the life of faith serve as a powerful antidote allowing the narrowness of hate to give way to the spaciousness of...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – Who Is Our Neighbor? – May 16, 2021

Who Is Our Neighbor? Facilitators: Members of the Racial Justice Group Description: The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) teaches us to care for our neighbor. At this Forum, the...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – LGBTQ+ Speakers Bureau – April 18, 2021

LGBTQ+ Reconciliation: Speakers Bureau Facilitators: Beth Donahoe, LGBTQ+ Inclusion Task Force ChairPastor Rick Pribbernow, Chaplain, Open Door Ministries Description: We welcome and learn from...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – What the Bible Says, and Doesn’t Say, About Homosexuality – March 07, 2021

What the Bible Says, and Doesn’t Say, About Homosexuality Facilitators: Pastor Rick Pribbernow of Open Door MinistriesBeth Donahoe, LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Reconciliation Task Force Chair...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – Racial Justice – February 28, 2021

Racial Justice Facilitators: Members of the Racial Justice GroupChairs: Dick Swaisgood, Manda Schoen Description: “The Racial Justice Group hosts this forum to share perspectives on why this work...
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Discipleship Forum Recording – Love Is Love – February 14, 2021

Love Is Love Facilitators: Pastor Rick Pribbernow of Open Door MinistriesBeth Donahoe, LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Reconciliation Task Force Chair Description: “Love is Love” continues the Reconciling...
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Discipleship Hour Recording – Introduction to Reconciling in Christ – September 27, 2020

Introduction to Reconciling in Christ Presenter: Pastor Rick Pribbernow, Chaplain/Director of Open Door Ministries Description: As our limitations for in-person gatherings continue, we are...
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