Worship is at the center of our lives together. The Means of Grace, the Word of God, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion are the means by which we are met by the God we know in Jesus Christ.
In the Word, God’s story becomes our story. By the power of the Holy Spirit through Scripture and sermons, both the child and adult are nurtured in faith formation. Our scripture readings are based on the Narrative Lectionary.
By water and the Word of God in Holy Baptism, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday. At the Table we are fed and called to remember that all of the life and its benefits are the gift of God to us in Christ Jesus. The gifts of God are for the people of God. All are welcome at the Lord's Table.
A variety of music styles enrich worship and help us praise and thank God for all that we have been given. We connect with God, with others, and are equipped to connect to the community and beyond, as faithful witnesses of Jesus' love. Worshiping together helps us to live lives of shared ministry.
Hint: with the calendar open, select "Agenda" to view calendar events in a "list" format
Lay participation contributes to the richness of our worship, and there are many ways to be involved. Contact Pastor Lara or Dr. Will Simpson for more information and to participate.
Resources are available to enhance worship. Ask an usher for assistance.
email: pastor@SALC.church
phone: 425-746-2529 extension 12
Pastor Lara Forbes began her ministry at Saint Andrew’s on February 18, 2020.
Personal Ministry Statement: As a Christian I am called to love God and my neighbor. As I live this out as a pastor, I have come to understand that no congregation exists solely for itself. Rather, it’s an integral part of its surrounding community and the relationship between church and community is living, breathing, and dynamic.
Before coming to Saint Andrew’s, Pastor Lara served at Faith Lutheran Church in Phoenix, Arizona for ten years. She is originally from Washington State.
email: will@SALC.church
phone: 425-746-2529 extension 17
Dr. Will Simpson has served as our Director of Music Ministries since 2012.
I moved here from Louisville, Kentucky in 2012. I have found Saint Andrew’s Lutheran to be one of the warmest and most caring congregations I have attended. This church is a great place to do music ministry!
phone: 425-746-2529
Vanessa Wilkie has served as Director of the Handbell Choir at Saint Andrew’s since December 2021.
phone: 425-746-2529
Elaine has been the Chancel Choir accompanist since 2008. In addition, she often plays solo pieces and collaborates with other musicians to provide special music for worship services.
Committees/Groups: Executive; Worship and Music; JEDI Group
Sunday Worship | 10:00 am
In-Person AND Livestream
September-May: Sunday Discipleship Hour | 9:00 am
Classes for age 2 – adults
Worship Times, Map, and Directions
2650 148th Avenue SE
Bellevue, Washington 98007
425-746-2529 phone
425-746-3758 fax
Office Hours: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday – Thursday. Closed on legal holidays.
Pages focused on families:
We are an ELCA congregation and part of the Northwest Washington Synod
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation