Discipleship Forum Recording – End of Life Ready – March 3, 2024
End of Life Ready
Bob Free, End of Life Washington (EOLWA)
Bob Free from End of Life WA (EOLWA) shows how to plan ahead for end-of-life. He reviews how to prepare and complete an Advance Directive, how to choose a Health Care Agent if you can’t speak for yourself, and what choices are legal and accessible to die on your terms in Washington State.
After watching, EOLWA hopes you’ll feel more comfortable talking to the people you trust with your care about your end-of-life wishes; conversations that will help them know how to honor your values.
Bob Free is an EOLWA volunteer, former board president, and board member. He served on the End of Life Washington Advisory Committee for many years before joining the Board of Directors. Bob and other lawyers from his firm, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, generously provided many pro bono hours authoring seven amicus briefs on behalf of survivors of EOLWA clients. These briefs described for the courts the differing realities of what happens to families when a competent, terminally ill person is granted, or forbidden, the choice of aid in dying.