
Forum Recording – Bellevue Churches Collaboration – May 05, 2024


For the past year or two we have been exploring ideas on how we might work more collaboratively with churches in our Cluster. The goal is to increase our missional impact and better steward our resources.
As that work continues, the three Bellevue churches – Saint Andrew’s, Cross of Christ, and Saint Luke’s – have formed a “Bellevue Churches Steering Committee” to explore bold ideas to see where God may be leading us in this effort. The Steering Committee has formed subgroups with these areas of focus:
1) Governance,
2) Finance and Staffing,
3) Missional Outreach.
Carolynn Ferris, Pastor Lara, Bill Brueggemann, Tom Getzinger, and Jean Wahlstrom are part of the Steering Committee.
On May 5, Carolynn Ferris and Pastor Lara hosted this Forum to provide an update on the collaboration work, answer questions, and seek input.

Audio Podcast