Growing Young Assessment Report
Above is the link to the report for the completed Growing Young (GY) assessment. Take your time to review, there is a lot of information. The Team does want to lift up the following:
- We had 115 responses!
- This is approximately 80% of our average worship attendance
- The people from Fuller seminary suggest a minimum of 25-50%
- We crushed it!
- The overwhelming response from the congregation means that people care about this topic!
- People cared enough to be honest and critical.
- Different age groups had different responses and that’s okay, in fact it is a good thing
- The Spirit is moving!
- People see a need for change.
- Seeds are being planted for change by the Spirit
- Not just with the assessment but with all the hard work that is happening in our congregation, our cluster, and beyond
Please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on the Growing Young Team if you have questions or would like to discuss the results.
Growing Young Team:
Doug Johnson, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Christine Camrud
Mark Davis
Anna McLeod
Margaret Santjer
Juliet Zhang