
Sherry Grindeland

Sherry Grindeland

Sherry Grindeland

Fellowship Coordinator

phone: 425-746-2529 extension 16

Sherry Grindeland has served as our Fellowship Coordinator since 2016.

I am a longtime member of Saint Andrew’s, and consider the church a second home. I have been a regular usher, and have enjoyed going on youth mission trips and teaching Vacation Bible School in the past.

All four of our children grew up in the Saint Andrew’s family, were confirmed here and went on mission trips with the youth group.

I have been involved in the local community, serving on the Parks and Community Services board for the City of Bellevue for two terms, volunteering with Eastside Heritage Center, Studio East, and various PTAs as my children went through Bellevue schools.

I am a former journalist – a reporter and columnist at the old Journal American newspaper, the Seattle Times and served as the editor of the SnoValley Star from 2013-2015.

I enjoy my role and being more involved in the Saint Andrew’s Church community.

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