Housing Project and Task Force

In 2023, we were excited to begin and share an initiative that aligns with our shared values of compassion and service. Our church has embarked on a mission to support an affordable housing project on our property aimed at providing safe and affordable homes for those in need within our local community. This project resonates deeply with our commitment to care for our neighbors and to extend a helping hand to those facing housing challenges.

The location of the potential project is on the east side of Saint Andrew’s property, and is land that has never been used or is underutilized by Saint Andrew’s.  Affordable housing would target families earning $35k to $75k per year. Jobs that fall in this income range include; administrative support, retail / sales / related, transportation / moving, food prep / serving, education / library, and construction.

We have partnered with Imagine Housing and Third Place Design Cooperative for the initial phase of exploration into this potential project. Concept drawings prepared by Third Place Design Cooperative were shared at the November 12 Discipleship Hour Forum.

Housing Task Force Members

Hal Ferris, chair | Kurt Lutterman | Kit Bowerman | Stephanie Page-Lester | Carol Schneider | Dick Lee | John Nelson

On this webpage….

Current Opportunities Resources FAQ Background and Timeline
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Current Opportunities


Members of the Housing Task Force are available to answer questions, discuss concerns, listen to feedback, and have conversation around this proposed project.

Other Current Work

June 23, 2024: The Task Force presented an update of their work at the Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting (see “Background and Timeline” below.)

June 2024: Work continues on the “milestone schedule” of project tasks.

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November 12 2023 Concept Drawings November 12 2023 Forum Recording
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November 12 2023 Q-and-A
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Background and Timeline

Summer 2023: The City of Bellevue revised its Land Use Codes to allow certain properties owned by faith-based organizations to increase their development capacity if they build permanently affordable housing. Properties must be close to an arterial or transit. Saint Andrew’s is one of 36 properties that qualify for increased development under these new codes.

Conversations began with the Building and Property Committee to explore the possibility of constructing affordable housing east of the main parking lot.  Imagine Housing was engaged to partner with us.

November 13, 2023
At its meeting, The Congregation Council approved the following resolution to authorize the formation of a Housing Task Force to continue the work.

We, the church Council of Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, do hereby authorize the formation of a Task Force dedicated to exploring the possibility of developing an  affordable housing project on our property.
This Housing Task Force will be responsible for gathering information, communicating with congregation members to collect input and direction, and then ultimately make a recommendation to Council. They are tasked with getting information and feedback from various stakeholders such as Imagine Housing, neighbors, affordable housing developer/owners in the area, the City of Bellevue and any other entity that can help us understand the potential impacts to Saint Andrew’s and our community.
They will also be asked to offer multiple and varied means to communicate with the congregation in order to inform and answer questions, as well as gather insights,  concerns, suggestions and input from as many congregation members as possible.
The Task Force will be chaired by Hal Ferris. Task Force members include Kurt Lutterman, Kit Bowerman, Stephanie Page-Lester, Carol Schneider, and Dick Lee.

December 2023
The Task Force is evaluating the parking demand and solutions for Saint Andrew’s, the lessons learned from other churches that have added affordable housing, and how Saint Andrew’s would work with Imagine Housing if the congregation decides to move forward.

January-June 2024

  • Task Force members visited other Imagine Housing property sites to gather information.
  • Members of the Task Force attended a class with the City of Bellevue to understand more about housing projects.
  • The Housing Task Force worked with Imagine Housing to develop an MOU that outlines expectations for both Imagine and Saint Andrew’s should an affordable housing project proceed. The terms are non-binding – we are not obligated to go through with the project. But it gives Imagine enough certainty to begin to spend money to get a soils report, clarify City requirements, do a traffic study, and other tasks associated with the pre-development work.
    The MOU was reviewed by an attorney who is a member of Saint Andrew’s. All Task Force members are comfortable with the terms. On June 10, 2024, the Saint Andrew’s Congregation Council voted to approve the MOU. This allows both Saint Andrew’s and Imagine Housing to take the next steps toward this exciting opportunity.

June 23, 2024
The Task Force presented an update of their work at the Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting.

  • On June 10, 2024, at its regular meeting, the Saint Andrew’s Congregation Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Imagine Housing and Saint Andrew’s, a formal but non-binding agreement that outlines expectations for both Imagine and Saint Andrew’s should an affordable housing project proceed.
  • A “milestone schedule” of project tasks, who will accomplish each task, and anticipated completion dates was presented.
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