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Worship: In-Person and Livestream

Upcoming Worship Services:

Sunday, October 6 |  10:00 am  |  Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Select the buttons to go directly to the livestream (or recording) and to open the worship bulletin:

Watch the October 6th ServiceBulletin for October 6

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Online Worship Suggestions
An alternative way to access the online worship service is to go to the Saint Andrew’s YouTube channel 
Saint Andrew's YouTube channel

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Flowers on Sundays:

We welcome flowers in the Sanctuary on Sundays. The sign-up for 2024 is available. Sign up to Provide Flowers

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A Note about Sunday Prayers: 

The intercessions are the heartfelt prayers of those who come together for worship – both in-person and online – and speak to the needs of the church, the world, and the individual. For privacy and security reasons, we do not share the last names of individuals during the spoken prayers, and we do not publish the prayers in the bulletin that is posted on our website. A copy of the bulletin prayers is available upon request; please contact Susan Hegedus, susan@salc.church or 425-746-2529.

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Sermons and Worship Media

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost – September 29, 2024

Posted on October 1, 2024, Pastor: Pastor Lara Forbes

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost – September 22, 2024

Posted on September 25, 2024, Pastor: Pastor Lara Forbes
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Discipleship Hour Recordings

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Worshiping Online - Suggestions

As you prepare to view the livestream worship, we offer the following suggestions:

  • Open or print the bulletin. It includes the readings and hymns.
  • Find a comfortable place in your home for worship.
  • Get some crackers or bread and something to drink so that we can share Communion.
  • Light a candle if you have one.
  • For what or for whom do you pray? Send prayer requests to Pastor Lara before Sunday morning: pastor@salc.church


The Saint Andrew's YouTube channel has access to livestreams and recordings of worship services, sermons, and discipleship hour forums.

Open the Saint Andrew's YouTube channel
Note: Within the YouTube app on a smart device (smartphone, tablet, smart TV, Roku TV, Fire TV, Apple TV, etc.): Search for "SALC Bellevue" to find our channel. It should be near the top of the search results, and features a picture of the sign at the entrance to the church parking lot.

Within the channel:

  • Upcoming livestreams are listed on the HOME tab.
    To watch, click on the worship service.
    Note: if you access the livestream before it begins, you may need to refresh your browser/app after the livestream starts to start the live feed.
  • Past livestreams and other recordings are on the VIDEOS tab.
  • Hint: You can "Cast" YouTube from a mobile device or Google Chrome browser to a Chromecast streaming device attached to your big screen TV.
  • Optional, if you have a Google or Gmail login:
    Click the SUBSCRIBE button to find the channel more easily in the future.
    For an upcoming livestream, you can SET REMINDER.
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