"You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." 2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV)

Stewardship is about discipleship! It is a celebration of God's blessings, recognizing God as the creator and giver of all that we have and are, and then serving Him as stewards of his gifts through our time, talent, treasures, and voice.

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Throughout our history, the people of Saint Andrew’s have loved and served the Lord, as they have answered the call to be Growing Together in Christ to Love and Serve All People. We have grown in size, but remained a place of hospitality, grace, and hope grounded in God’s word. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we have built a church, financed building projects, birthed a low income housing group, supported mission trips, sent missionaries to Africa, fed the hungry, provided shelter for the homeless, cared for the sick, and equipped our members in the faith. We continue to steward what God has given us as we commit our time, talent and treasures to Him.

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Stewardship 2023-2024

Stewardship is more than money.  It is also sharing your gifts of time and talents.  In Fall 2023, Sunday Forums explore various opportunities to do all three: share time, talents, and treasure. 
Forum Recordings

Stewardship Moment ~ November 2023

by Kit Bowerman
You have heard the term “It takes a village to raise a kid.” Well, I think it also takes a village to maintain a vibrant running church. A village cannot thrive without embracing change. The challenges of the pandemic showed us that our congregation can adapt to changes and develop new ways to share hope and spirit. As we move into a new future together, we are reminded of God’s abundance in the everyday gifts of our life together as a congregation.
Why are you a member of Saint Andrew’s? Is it the Word, music, fellowship, the unique structure of our Sanctuary where you can see everyone, prayer and solace, or is it something that I haven’t even mentioned? For me, it is all of the above. Church brings a joy that cannot be experienced anywhere else. A past member of Saint Andrew’s said that he liked the three Fs: Faith, Fellowship, and Food! I liked that little moniker, and I think that Saint Andrew’s supplies all three of those.
We will be hearing more stories about the “life” of Saint Andrew’s, and testimonials from members of our congregation.
In the coming weeks, you will receive a letter with an invitation to consider your gifts to Saint Andrew’s. Please read it carefully and respond generously on Stewardship Sunday, November 19. See you then! 

Stewardship Moment ~ October 2023

by Kit Bowerman
Now we come to the subject of financial stewardship – giving money to the church. “Let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:7
When I think of my financial support to the church (or tithing), I think of three areas of giving:

  • Giving to the General (Current) Fund. This includes wages, utilities, property management, and supplies (office, music, Christian education, and building). These funds are what are needed to keep the lights on and help Saint Andrew’s grow and flourish.
  • Giving to Outreach. Throughout the year, you will see appeals for different areas of outreach. I think of Youth trips, MaeSAE Girls School, the Love Tree which gives our donations to Lantern Hill, Sophia Way, Imagine Housing and Kidvantage, and helping to support PorchLight (formerly Congregation for the Homeless.) I know that I am missing other projects, but your financial donations help support these non-profit groups.
  • Capital giving programs. Over the years, we have had needs beyond what our normal tithes can afford. We have stepped up in the past to achieve those goals. I am sure that we will do so again in the future when the need arises.

On Sunday, September 24, Mr. Scott Jewett of Mars-Jewett Financial Group talked about “graceful giving” at the 9:00 am Adult Discipleship Hour Forum. If you missed it, you can find it on our Discipleship Forum webpage: Forums
When we pledge our annual tithe, we are making a personal commitment, as well as helping the church formulate a budget based on the pledges received. I ask that you prayerfully consider what you are willing to give to Saint Andrew’s this coming year. You too can be a part of “graceful giving”.

Stewardship Moment ~ September 2023

by Kit Bowerman
When I think of Stewardship at Saint Andrew’s, I think of my financial commitment, which most people visualize as church stewardship, but I also think about keeping Saint Andrew’s clicking with my time and talent.
What is time and talent? Simply, it is taking the gifts and passions that you have, and giving your time towards a committee. Many of the meetings are held on Zoom, so there is no driving in the dark. Also, you will be amazed at how much you will learn about happenings at Saint Andrew’s.
When I think of volunteering time and talent, I think of our recently departed brother in Christ, Dick Swaisgood. Dick had a passion for volunteering. He was on Congregation Council multiple times, and was Council President. He helped form the JEDI committee which works with racial justice. This past year he was involved with building and property, worship and liturgical arts, P.A.F.E. (Performing Arts Festival Eastside), and Tuesday Morning Men’s Group. I suspect that Dick was involved in every committee at some time in his years at Saint Andrew’s. If you are looking for a role model of volunteer service, Dick would be the one that I would choose.
Regarding committees here at Saint Andrew’s, watch for the upcoming programs the Adult Education Planning Team is hosting this coming September and October at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Programs include: God’s Work Our Hands, Dorcas Circle, Imagine Housing, KidVantage, Building and Property, as well as Scott Jewett from Mars-Jewett Investment firm who will speak about creative giving.
Take the plunge, the “water” will refresh your soul!

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  • Stewardship 2021-2022: 12 Discipleship Essentials

    12 Discipleship Essentials: Stewardship 2021-2022

    The 2022 Stewardship Campaign explored the “12 Discipleship Essentials.”
    Essentials are those “never leave home without them” necessities. And as you might expect, your list of essentials might be different whether you’re overnight camping or taking a road trip.
    We, as Christians, whether we know it or not, pack away several essentials critical to us in our discipleship and walk with Christ. This year, we will fill a discipleship backpack for a faith journey in Christ, and explore what our essential items might be!

    Essential One:  Vision

    Our first discipleship essential is “Vision“: Having a vision for where you are going, or how you will live your life as a disciple of Christ. Consider and pray on where you are going, what your vision or goal is for the future, and how God is lighting your path.

    Essential Two: Prayer

    Gracious Lord, thank you for our conversation,
    Each day you invite me to join you and share.
    For moments of joy when I offer up my celebration,
    Or when you embrace my weakness with the utmost of care.
    For hearing me in little moments; on walks, preparing a meal, or in quite reflection,
    For healing in times, I simply can’t bear.
    Gracious, Lord, thank you for our conversation,
    Thank You for Your Gift of Prayer.
    written by Scott Lester

    Essential Three:  Sharing Your Spiritual Blessings

    Sharing your spiritual blessings is this month’s essential to add to our stewardship backpack.
    In 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7, we’re told our gifts are varied: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
    Think of the many wonderful singers and musicians here at Saint Andrew’s who share their spiritual gifts of voice and talent.
    Look around church and feel blessed by the many individuals who share their talents – such as leaders and committee members who keep our church operational daily.
    What are your passions and gifts that you should be packing in the essential stewardship back pack?
    Have you been blessed with the ability to make stranger feel welcome, to cook, share jokes, remember Bible verses (and discuss them)?
    We all have different talents. Some are teachers, some are healers, some are listeners.
    Some spiritual blessings may not be apparent at first glance but smiles, a willingness to pray for others and willingness to do clean up, painting, and gardening are gifts that help our church family, our community, and our world.
    Spiritual blessings are given to us to be shared and are an essential part of a good steward’s life. You don’t need to be an expert. The Spirit just wants us to be willing to help and share.

    Essential Four:  Forgiveness

    The Bible is peppered with messages about judgement and forgiveness.
    The gift of forgiveness is boundless. We all know that feeling of anxiety and frustration when we hold a grudge or let our anger toward others fester in our hearts and minds. It’s exhausting and demoralizing, leads to sleepless nights, and can actually damage our health meaningfully. When others do us wrong or sin against us, our indignation can infect our relationships like a cancer. As an example, Covid has created ample opportunity for us to separate from those we love in response to their reactions in this pandemic. These are frustrating times. For our own health and wellbeing, we must forgive freely. In fact, in Matthew 6:15 it says “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
    Remember that Christ died for all, victim and perpetrator, alike. Absolutely everyone on this planet is forgiven–regardless of how they behave. How do we respond as Christians to clear evil and indiscretion, to the doers of horrible deeds? As difficult as it is, we are called to respond with forgiveness. We are called to resist evil and sin in all its forms, and to also forgive in order to free ourselves so that we may act on behalf of those who suffer, who are victims, who are voiceless. The Christian Essential of Forgiveness is vital to the health of our relationships, but more importantly to the vision God has for us as his followers.
    Thank you, Lord for the gift of forgiveness. Help us to use it daily as a tool to reflect your grace and love for all humanity.

    Essential Five:  Study

    The Bible is a fascinating and engaging collection of gospel, history, poetry, and prophecy. But it is also very much a trail guide in our faith walk with the Lord.
    This month’s discipleship essential is Study, particularly, Bible Study. When we explore scripture and ask questions, we’re getting a very real glimpse at the glory of creation, Christ’s teachings, and the plan that God has for us. Biblical study can take many forms.

    Self-directed. You can simply dive in and read the Bible in sequence. Think about taking notes or keeping a journal of your reading—it’s okay to write in your Bible or even use a highlighter on text that really captivates you. Also, consider giving yourself a timeline or a goal—read the Bible in a year.

    Follow a reading plan. The NRSV Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress), as an example, has an excellent 52-week plan that provides three different sections of text each day from different parts of the Bible. For those of us needing some structure and direction, it’s indispensable.

    Group study. Join one of the Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church Bible Study groups, or study with a small group of friends. When you read scripture and share the experience among two or more individuals, it can be extremely enlightening in how different perspectives and interpretations can enhance and deepen your connection with not only Biblical stories but even more granular verses.

    Connect with someone else’s study. There are myriad books written about the Bible, individual books of the Bible, and Biblical characters. Your study can and should include reading what Biblical scholars and faith leaders have to share about their experience in studying the Bible and Biblical history. Always keep an open mind and consider the source. You don’t always have to agree with the author, but some theologians can definitely challenge your own thinking.

    Listen to the sermon. An important point of study engagement is attending church and listening to the sermon. Remember how study in college involved attending lectures with the professor? Your Biblical study can be inspired by hearing your pastor’s summary of the Gospel text. Read and re-read the Gospel or lessons printed in the bulletin. Call-up the recorded worship service and listen to the sermon a second or third time. Did you get something new? With prayer and discernment, were you inspired to explore another related piece of scripture? Did you learn something new?

    These are just five examples of how you can deepen your walk with Christ. Biblical study is indeed a discipleship essential, and the Bible is every bit the map you need in your faith journey.

    Essential Six:  Worship and Music

    This month’s discipleship essential is Worship and Music. As Bonhoeffer said in Life Together, “being in the physical presence of other believers is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer.” Being with other Christians has a fortifying effect on our souls which may not even be something we consciously recognize. Singing and reciting scripture together are strengthening to one another, a reinforcement of theology, if you will. That’s one reason the Bible exhorts us to meet together.

    Music teaches us the gospel. Hymns and spiritual songs take our faith and compact it. In fact, the melody and phrasing of the music makes our faith memorable. Melodies and lyrics are enduring and remembered far longer than spoken words. Before we hear a word of scripture read or preached in the service, we’ve already taken in page after page with our singing – touching our hearts as well as our minds.

    Music connects us to God in unique ways. It allows for a direct connection with God in ways sermons can’t or don’t. Singing allows our hearts to speak to God in a way that doesn’t happen as we hear the spoken word. Something incredible happens when we sing. You can feel it when you sing alone, but most especially when you sing as part of a congregation in worship. Something awakens not only in the heart of each person but also in the collective heart of the body of Christ, connecting us to each other and to God in the deepest part of who we are. Singing as part of worship is much more than a mental exercise. God created us to communicate with the very depth of our spirit and singing is a way we can accomplish this in a profound and meaningful way.

    Music allows us to express our love to God with our whole being. Singing is a powerful way we engage every part of our whole being in worship to God. Worshipping through music changes and transforms us, strengthens us, builds us up and restores us. It inclines our hearts to God in ways the other forms can’t accomplish. When we sing and devote our whole selves to God, something godly happens to us.

    Music as worship fulfills God’s command. Throughout scripture we are commanded to sing. The Psalms are prayers set to music. “Sing praises to the Lord with lyre, with the lyre and sound of melody!” (Psalm 98) and “Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!” (Psalm 100). God calls us to sing praise to the Lord and to sing in his presence. The new testament affirms this call “to be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything.” (Ephesians 5:18-20)

    Singing is an important part of who we are and who God created us to be. We are all uniquely wired. We have different gifts, strengths and favorite styles of music. Music that honors God, regardless of style, will make our hearts sing. And when our hearts sing, worship happens. We’re transformed on the inside as we’re filled with the Spirit.
    St. Augustine, the great fifth-century bishop of North Africa, said, “Those who sing pray twice.” The words of our hymns are prayers, and when we sing them, we add to them a further dimension of honor and praise. Music and singing are portable and always available. Use your voice or instrument often to sing praises to God.

    Essential Seven: Rest, Sabbath, and Grace

    July is the seventh month of the year, so it is appropriate that this month’s discipleship essential is Rest, Sabbath, and Grace.

    In Genesis 2: 2 God rested: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”

    As Christians, our faith calls us to rest but not in a fourth commandment kind of way to ‘keep holy the Sabbath’. The Pharisees had buried that commandment in so many man made rules of repentance that the rest God intended had become distorted and anything but restful (Isaiah 1:13). Jesus came to bring the rest God truly intended; the gift of righteousness and forgiveness so that we can rejoice on His gift freely given. Rest is not a day of the week…Saturday or Sunday. God’s authentic version of rest is revealed through the love Christ delivered in His message of salvation. This is a rest of our souls and we are called to bring it to our lives daily when we hear and repeat the good news and celebrate the gift of life everlasting. We are called to feel that joy and embrace the spirit of God’s love.

    So be sure to pack the essential of Rest/Sabbath/Grace along in your discipleship essential backpack to ensure your soul the rest it needs for the journey!

    Essential Eight: Faith and Trust

    Through John 3:16, we know that God so loved the world, that he gave us his only Son so that whoever believes in Him will never die, but have eternal life. When we look at the world around us it is hard not to doubt this message of love – there is fear, grief, and strife. With love and hope we can counter all unknowns. We can take comfort in the fact that God is in control.

    We can grow in our love with Faith and Trust, our next essential of discipleship. Faith has been defined for us in Hebrews 11:1 as “confidence is what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Faith is a muscle that we can continue to strengthen so that we have stability and courage. Faith is always with us in our journey with God.

    How can we continue to grow in Faith? We can create little reminders of His love and our journey in Faith. Here is a great example of a beaded bracelet that you can take with you:

    • Black Bead – I was once lost with sin inside
    • Red Bead – But Jesus died for me, and paid the price
    • White Bead – My life is new, in Him alone
    • Blue Bead – And in waters of baptism, repentance is shown
    • Green Bead – I will read His Word, and pray each day to be like Jesus in every way
    • Yellow Bead – When I am faithful, till he calls me home, a crown of life, He will bestow.

    Essential Nine and Ten: Gifts and Tithing

    Your Discipleship Essentials Backpack should be pretty full by now. So far this year you’ve packed it with the following: Vision, Prayer, Sharing Spiritual Blessings, Forgiveness, Study, Worship/Music, Grace, Faith, and Trust. What more can you stuff in there? Is it getting heavy?

    This month’s Discipleship Essential is the gift you offer back to the Lord in the form of your time, energy, and resources. In other words, your backpack is full, share your blessings.

    Within the context of church, the sharing of gifts is referred to as a tithe, which means, “to pay or donate a tenth of your possessions in support of a religious establishment or organization.” There are dozens of scriptures that promote giving and tithing, among them, numerous verses that reference the term “first fruits”; “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10.

    These Biblical benchmarks and guidelines are good places to start in considering the path you and your family will hike in your giving journey. After all, you’ve been exposed to it forever—since the moment you first started going to Sunday School as a child and dropped coins in a box; visited a congregation as an adult and watched the plate drift hand to hand down the pew; or joined a church committee to become a little more connected—you’ve observed and perhaps participated in giving back. How do you feel when you give back? How do you imagine others responding to your gift?

    Now, while only Johann Tetzel1 can guarantee you a loftier place in Heaven for your tithe, your gift of time, energy, and resources has a measurable positive impact on our community, and through the Grace of God, will fill you up in unimaginable ways.

    1Johann Tetzel OP (c. 1465 – 11 August 1519) was a German Dominican friar and preacher. He was appointed Inquisitor for Poland and Saxony, later becoming the Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany. Tetzel was known for granting indulgences on behalf of the Catholic Church in exchange for money, which are claimed to allow a remission of temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has been forgiven, a position heavily challenged by Martin Luther. This contributed to the Reformation. The main usage of the indulgences sold by Johann Tetzel was to help fund and build the new St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Source: Wikipedia.

    Essential Eleven: Welcoming vs. Inviting

    Is that backpack getting heavy yet? We have just a few more essentials for you to consider on your Stewardship Journey. As Christ’s disciples we need to be prepared to be not only inviting but welcoming to strangers and friends alike. When we are inviting we are hospitable, accessible and cordial…all activities that we as a congregation have done well over the years. But when we are WELCOMING, we follow up that hospitality with a warm greeting, conversation, connection and shared joy. Whether you’re a greeter, an usher, or a member simply enjoying the atmosphere, the Narthex is where it starts, making connection and engaging with strangers. The service carries it through with warm greetings, music, friendly faces, and the shared joy of scripture. And the welcoming continues as we greet newcomers and old friends alike after the service and into our week. When we welcome, we show love and appreciation to others even if we don’t know them well. In life, we send a lot of invitations (dinner, coffee, lunch, church), but where do we allow those we invite to truly feel welcomed warmly? Nothing beats helping someone feel like they are exactly where they belong!!

    At Saint Andrew’s we demonstrate grace as we welcome those around us and create a sense of ‘being enough’… no need to prove anything, share any great idea, or seek affirmation when you enter. In Romans 15:7 Paul writes, “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God”. Bring this welcoming attitude, this gift of grace along on your stewardship journey.

    Essential Twelve: Relationship with God

    Our exploration of the 12 Discipleship Essentials this year concludes with Our Relationship with God. All of us have a special, unique story of what our Relationship with God is, and how, through Christ, we formed that relationship. Juliet Zhang shares with us now, how her Relationship with God formed. During this season, we ask you to reflect on this essential and how you came into Relationship with God. We encourage you to write it down and use it as a guide for your prayers of Thanksgiving.

    Juliet Zhang’ Story

    I was born into a traditional, non-religious Chinese family. My father was a professor who teaches politics major in the school and my mother was a statistician, when I was growing up, our family never discussed anything about God. In 1996, I left my hometown and went to Singapore to develop my future. Soon after I arrived in Singapore, I met several friends who are Christian, with these friends’ invitations, I slowly began to participate in the local church’s Sunday services and began to explore different churches. I still remember that the first church I went to with my friend was the Megachurch. During the Sunday service, the church could accommodate 3,000 people. The music in the church is always very loud, and everyone dances every time the hymn is sung. If you sit too far back, it will be difficult to see what is happening on the stage. Although I had never been to any church before going abroad, from what I have learned in books and foreign movies, I feel that this format is very different from traditional worship. So I attended several churches hoping to find a place where I really belonged.

    This happened in 2001 when I met my current husband, who is from an American Lutheran family. When he learned that I was interested in learning more about God, he sincerely invited me to visit the only Lutheran church in Singapore to get a feel for what their service is like. I still remember that it was a sunny morning and when we arrived at the church, I was attracted by the bright and beautiful architecture of the church and instantly, I suddenly felt as if was at home. The whole process of worship was exactly what I had imagined. The most amazing thing is that when we sang the song “Amazing Grace”, my heart was moved, and tears flowed uncontrollably. At that moment, I knew I found my place, I found my Lord Jesus.

    In December 2002, I married my husband and baptized in this Lutheran church, and I decided to become a devout Christian.

  • Stewardship 2020-2021: Sharing God's Generosity

    Share God’s Generosity: Stewardship 2020-2021

    God has generously blessed us in many ways.

    As we – the Saint Andrew’s Church community – grows together in Christ to love and serve all people, we learn how to live and share those blessings.

    Our focus this year is generosity, a celebration of a generous God and our response as God’s people. The source of our focus comes from ELCA’s Generosity Project, a year-round stewardship program developed for congregations.

    Each month, until we can gather again in-person, we will offer Generosity Lessons that families can share at home together. Each lesson features sections on “We Welcome”, “We Gather”, “We Hear”, “We Share”, “We Send”, and “We Live”.

    August 2021 Generosity Project Lesson July 2021 Generosity Project Lesson June 2021 Generosity Project Lesson May 2021 Generosity Project Lesson April 2021 Generosity Project Lesson March 2021 Generosity Project Lesson February 2021 Generosity Project Lesson January 2021 Generosity Project Lesson

    December 2020: Sharing God’s Generosity! Stewardship Committee members Scott Lester and Darcy Johnson provide a video update to the congregation. Watch the video

    November 2020: It is time to once again consider our financial gift to Saint Andrew’s for the coming year.
    Each week, from October 18 through November 15, 2020, Sunday bulletins and Trendings shared a verse, an affirmation and blessing, and a single word to serve as a point of focus (see below). You were also invited to participate in a weekly generosity challenge, and join the Discipleship Hour Forum on November 15 as we celebrated our generous GOD!

    October 18, 2020

    Genesis 1:27-31a (CEV).
    I am created in the image of a generous God. I give because I want to mirror a generous God.

    As people who value stewardship and discipleship as a way of life, how do we answer the questions, “Why be generous?” and “What does it mean to live an abundant life in Christ?” In Genesis 1:27-31a, it is recorded that we are made in God’s image. If we believe that God is the maker of all things, then we also believe that God is responsible for our own being. In being generous ourselves, we remember and acknowledge God’s generosity: his creation, his love, his sacrifice, his promise. This week we focus on “Why” it is for us to be generous.

    This week’s Generosity Challenge
    How many books do we own? Count them. What would it mean to give away 10 percent or buy that many new books for others? How hard would this be to do? Who needs books? To whom or where would we go to donate them?

    October 25, 2020

    John 6:1-14 (CEV)
    God has blessed us through the abundant generosity of others. We will joyfully share what God has provided us.

    Who are the models of generosity in your life? We have been gracious recipients of generosity, and so too, we have generously given. As a community in Christ we remember that generosity is a shared experience that shapes our life. Who are the models of generosity in your life, and how have you reflected generosity within your community? With whom will you share your gifts and generosity?

    This week’s Generosity Challenge
    How many canned goods or jars of food are in our cupboards and pantry? Count them. What is 10% of that number? What would it mean to give away or purchase 10% of the number of canned and jarred items in our cupboards? How hard would this be to do? Who suffers from being hungry? To whom or where would we go to donate these items?

    November 1, 2020

    Acts 2:41-47 (CEV).
    God equips us and has given us many opportunities to give and share at home and away from home.

    Where is there need in the world? We see need all around us; locally, internationally, our neighbors, and neighborhoods along the daily commute. They are victims of poverty, wildfires, unemployment, and inequity. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin. God answers the call. Where is there need in the world and where can our generosity be of the greatest help? Trust God and be generous where your heart is.

    This week’s Generosity Challenge
    How many items do we own that have wheels? (Ex: vehicles, tricycle, bicycles, lawn mower, toys with wheels etc.) Count them. What would it mean to give away10% or purchase new that same number? How hard would this be to do? Who is in need of these items? To whom or where would we go to donate one or more?

    November 8, 2020

    2 Corinthians 8:1-9 (CEV).
    God, use us to respond joyfully to the needs of this world with our acts of generosity.

    God works though us to fulfill need. “Lord, how can I be of use, how can I be an effective instrument of your love and generosity today,” should be our waking prayer.

    This week’s Generosity Challenge
    How many pairs of socks and undies get washed each week in this household? Count them. What is 10% of that number? What would it mean to purchase new socks and undies – 10% of the number we wear? How hard would this be to do? Who needs socks and undies? To whom or where would we go to donate them?

    November 15, 2020

    Matthew 19:23-30 (CEV)
    God, with you all things are possible. Lead us and help our household grow in generosity and unexpected giving and sharing.

    We often consider that we don’t have enough ourselves to make a beneficial impact on our neighbors, or that maybe we’ll wait for the right time to give. God’s blessings and generosity are countless and timeless, and so, too, we pray that we can give generously in the here and now…because God does not call us to be generous when it’s convenient for us, but when it is helpful to our neighbor.

    This week’s Generosity Challenge
    How many light bulbs are inside and outside our house? Count them. What is 10% of this total? What would it mean to give away or purchase new, 10% of the total number of lightbulbs we use? How hard would this be to do? Who needs lightbulbs? To whom or where would we go to donate them?

  • Stewardship 2019-2020: Blessed to Serve

    Stewardship is our grateful response to God’s grace and goodness. All we have — including our gifts, abilities and financial resources — are gifts from God. Even our ability to work and care for others is a gift. In sharing with others we discover that we are Blessed To Serve with Generous Hearts, Generous Hands, and Generous Habits.

    “Blessed to Serve” brochure

    Commitment Sunday was November 17, 2019

    We celebrated with a “Blessed to Serve” Stewardship Servant Fair between worship services.

    We had small bites, a coffee bar, and conversation around the many opportunities in which we can share God’s love and serve God and neighbor through the congregation and within the larger community so that we are a community growing together in Christ to love and serve all people.
    Saint Andrew’s committees and teams hosted information tables, with opportunities to sign up to help in various ways.

    Here’s a partial list of Blessed to Serve opportunities.
    Contact the church office to find out more information about any of these:
    Advent Fair volunteer
    Altar Guild
    Bake communion bread
    Chaperone youth activities
    Chancel Choir
    Coffee Host
    Committees: Discipleship Ministries, Stewardship, Communications, Finance, Health and Wholeness Ministry, Nominating, Outreach and Servant Ministries, Building and Property, Human Resources, Worship and Liturgical Arts
    Congregational Care Team
    Emergency Preparedness Team
    Handbell Choir
    Hospitality Team
    Kitchen Team
    New member mentor
    Reception Team
    Building and equipment repairs
    Special events squad
    Sound board operator
    Soup supper team
    Sunday Church School teacher
    Substitute Sunday Church School teacher
    Vacation Bible School volunteer
    Videographer (for Sunday Forums)
    Welcome and greet team

    Key Dates:

    • Sunday,October 27, 2019:  Reformation Sunday
      Stewardship Kick-off Sunday
      Blessed to Serve with Generous Hearts, Hands, and Habits
    • Sunday, November 3, 2019: All Saints Sunday
      A Congregations for the Homeless Conversation
    • Sunday, November 10, 2019: Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
      Adult Forum Bible Study: Blessed to Serve with Generous Hearts, Hands, and Habits
    • Sunday, November 17, 2019: Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
      Commitment Sunday: Celebrating with a Stewardship Servant Fair
  • Stewardship 2019

    Stewardship 2019

    Managing God’s Gifts

    Commitment Sunday
    November 18, 2018
    One worship service, 9:30 am
    Commitment Celebration, 10:45 am

    Stewardship is “management.” As disciples of Jesus, we are about the work of managing God’s gifts to us. It is a celebration of God’s blessings, recognizing God as the creator and giver of all that we have and are, and then serving Him as managers of his gifts through our time, energy, monies, and voice.

    We had a series of bulletin inserts that illustrated our life together through stories, opportunities, and impact points we make with our gifts.
    October 14, 2018: Physical Church/Space
    October 21, 2018: Worship and Discipleship
    October 28, 2018: Fellowship in Community
    November 4, 2018: Outreach and Servant Ministries
    November 11, 2018: Finance/Stewardship
    November 18, 2018: Time/Energy/Monies/Voice

    Commitment Sunday was November 18. Following worship we gathered for a commitment celebration….a time to celebrate and give thanks for what we have, what we’ve been able to do, and to look forward to the future.

  • Stewardship 2018

    Stewardship 2018

    “Pathways to Renewal” is our 2017-2018 theme that serves to ground our mission forward in discipleship, ministry and planned initiatives, including a future capital campaign that will inform our commitment to a building remodel project.

    There is opportunity for engagement with committees, groups and the mission of this church and investment in Christ’s work. This engagement is what stewardship and discipleship are all about.

    We have engaged a consultant – the Joshua Group – to work to develop a vision of Strategic and Transition Planning for Saint Andrew’s. The Joshua Process will serve as a map for us in defining our strategic vision, where we want to go as a congregation, as well as inform our next steps in pastoral transition and ministry. Your engagement and participation are encouraged.

    Congregation leadership is taking the next steps in informing and educating the congregation on our proposed building remodel. We will lay the foundation for preparing for a congregation vote on a capital campaign, but not without your help, questions and engagement. Come to the “Pathways Hub” in Room 212 to see information, drawings, and plans for the remodel.
    The Pathways Hub is a center for conversation and to share questions and insights – please join us there!

  • Stewardship 2017

    Stewardship 2017

    We focused on being “DiscipleFIT” and what “Discipleship” means at a personal level.
    We strive to:
    • Be a Christ-like person
    • Focus on Christ, avoid Earthly things (recognize that Christ is bigger than ourselves)
    • Constantly learn and deepen our faith
    • Witness and not fear talking about God—have courage to live in Christ
    Throughout 2016-2017, we had many opportunities to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.

    May 1 – September 4, 2017: Walk to Wittenberg

    All teams arrived in Wittenberg and three teams had enough miles to do the round trip back to Bellevue! Collectively we recorded 141,700 miles. Amazing!! Read more at walk.SALChome.org

    This was a congregation-wide program for physical, mental, and spiritual growth; a “Fitness and Witness” program to commemorate the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation.

    Teams of 10 people competed to rack up “miles” that counted towards our virtual race to Wittenberg. They walked, ran, biked, exercised, did yard work, etc. to accumulate miles.

    2017 is the 500th anniversary of when Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-five Theses, challenging the practice of the Catholic Church with respect to indulgences. Luther sent the Theses to Albert of Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz, on October 31, 1517, a date now commemorated annually as Reformation Day. Luther may have also posted the Theses on the door of All Saints’ Church, Wittenberg, probably in mid-November.

    November 2016: Paracord Bracelets
    The Human Resources Committee, high school youth, and the congregation made paracord “survival” bracelets. The bracelets were sent to Operation Gratitude, who will include them in care packages going to troops, to veterans, and to first responders. The bracelet gives the person wearing it 7.5 feet of strong paracord to use in an emergency, and lets service men and women know they are cared for, remembered and appreciated.
    Spiritual Growth comes from contributing to the welfare of others with these bracelets. Mental Growth comes through understanding how a series of knots and wraps can make the bracelets, and also through understanding of how they can be used in the field. Physical Growth ties into the relationship between focusing on the act of making something and the stress relief that can provide.

    Epiphany 2017 (January – February): Memorize Bible Verses
    During Epiphany, the Communications Committee invited everyone to grow Spiritually and Mentally by memorizing Bible verses.
    Suggested verses:
    Baptism/Forgiveness: Mark 16:15b-16; John 14:6; Luke 5:20
    Grace: John 1:14; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:17; Acts 4:33; Romans 6:14
    Psalms: Psalm 19:34; Psalm 23:1-3; Psalm 51:10; Psalm 91:11; Psalm 107:1
    Mercy: Psalm 23:6; Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36; Isaiah 30:18a; Romans 9:16; Zechariah 7:9
    Peace: Psalm 29:11; Philippians 4:7; Psalm 4:8; John 20:21
    Faith: 2 Timothy 4:7; Ephesians 2:8; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 5:1
    Love: John 3:16; Luke 10:27; 1 Corinthians 13:13; Psalm 103:8; 1 John 4:19; Colossians 3:14
    Salvation: Psalm 18:2; Luke 19:9; Acts 4:12; Romans 1:16; Philippians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 15:54-57

  • Stewardship 2016

    Stewardship 2016

    Our theme for 2016 is “Challenge 2016” challenging us to be Christ in the world and to respond to God’s grace.

    Commitment Weekend was Saturday-Sunday, November 14-15, 2015.
    We welcomed Pastor James Johnson of Saint Luke Lutheran in Spokane.

  • Stewardship 2015

    Stewardship 2015

    Your Stewardship Team is about the work of creating a path for year-round Stewardship Emphasis. Think about the portrait of a Biblical Giver: intentional, regular, generous, first, proportional, cheerful… “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7b

    Ministry Emphasis…. every 2 months, we highlighted an area of ministry in our church.

    August and September 2014: Building and Property. Every home needs upkeep and renewal.
    ~ Building and Property welcomes the congregation’s help to complete projects around the church and to bring in commonly needed supplies: 300-watt clear light bulbs, 90-watt Par 38 light bulbs, paper towels, carpet shampoo.

    October and November 2014: Christian Education, Youth and Family Ministries, Worship and Liturgical Arts. These are the heart of our lives in Christ in this place as we gather, to be encouraged, and equipped, to be sent into the world to lift high the Cross of Christ and to spread the circle of life and love to the ends of the earth.

    January 2015: Finance. Our Finance Committee hosted two Sunday morning sessions in January to review and answer questions about the proposed 2015 Current Fund budget. This committee meets monthly to review the financial records, and works continually to maintain best practices and improve reporting to the congregation.

    February and March 2015: Outreach and Servant Ministries. Out of the center we live our faith and celebrate it through intentional, caring service, while growing in Christ. We are about collaborative impact on a local and global scale with core values of: Housing, Hunger, Education, Global Missions, and Local Missions. In February, we hosted a welcome event for Lutheran World Relief (LWR) CEO and President Daniel Speckhard, and are gathering items for LWR Personal Care Kits. In March, we learned more about our global impact in Tanzania.

    April and May 2015: Health and Wholeness Ministry, whose mission is “To be a Christ-centered partnership of health professionals and other members of Saint Andrew’s committed to promoting spiritual, physical and emotional health and wholeness.” Weekly bulletin inserts highlighted our volunteers and ministries.

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Opportunities to share the gifts God has given you through His ministry at Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church are below.

The Gift of Your Time

How will you support the mission and ministry of Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church with your Time, Energies, and Interests? Contact any committee chair or the church office to find out more about becoming involved in congregation activities.

The Gift of your Treasures

How will you support the mission and ministry of Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church with your Treasures?

Pledging your anticipated giving helps us budget and plan. Pledges are welcome throughout the year but especially in the Fall as we prepare the budget for the following year.  Pledges can submitted online or with a printed form:
Online 2024 Commitment/Pledge Form Printable 2024 Commitment/Pledge Form

Online Contributions
Saint Andrew’s invites you to consider using our online giving program or giving by text message!
Find out more about all methods of giving here: Giving Options

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Pastor Lara Forbes
Lead Pastor

Pastor Lara Forbes

Pastor Lara Forbes

Lead Pastor

email: pastor@SALC.church
phone: 425-746-2529 extension 12

Pastor Lara Forbes began her ministry at Saint Andrew’s on February 18, 2020.

Personal Ministry Statement:  As a Christian I am called to love God and my neighbor. As I live this out as a pastor, I have come to understand that no congregation exists solely for itself. Rather, it’s an integral part of its surrounding community and the relationship between church and community is living, breathing, and dynamic.

Before coming to Saint Andrew’s, Pastor Lara served at Faith Lutheran Church in Phoenix, Arizona for ten years.  She is originally from Washington State.

Sherry Grindeland

Sherry Grindeland

Sherry Grindeland

Fellowship Coordinator

email: sherry@SALC.church
phone: 425-746-2529 extension 16

Sherry Grindeland has served as our Fellowship Coordinator since 2016.

I am a longtime member of Saint Andrew’s, and consider the church a second home. I have been a regular usher, and have enjoyed going on youth mission trips and teaching Vacation Bible School in the past.


Becca Piel

Becca Piel

Becca Piel

Congregation Council


Committee: Communications, Stewardship



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