Mexico 12 Thursday!

Wow, what an amazing experience this has been.  So much learning and love and laughing.  Having this trip be “multi-generational” is awesome!  We have full families, a solo traveler...
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Mexico Mission Team Day 4 – Sickness Spreads

The morning started off a little rough for some of the mission team. Shana and Sydney experienced Montasuma’a Revenge and spent some quality time in the bathroom. The sickness continued spreading...
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Mexico Mission Trip Day 3

Today was our first day of “working”….and yes, we did; there were classes to help teach, sports to play, plastering on walls, and a backyard to clear….and that was all...
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Mexico Mission Team – Day 2 – Sunday Funday – Tacos, Tiles and Anticipation

Abby declared today “Sunday Friday”.  We had a leisurely morning that included reading the gospel from Saint Andrew’s bulletin, prayers and sharing some of the notes and words...
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Mexico Mission Team Day 1

Today was filled with adventure and new experiences. The “Mexico 12” met at the airport for an early start at 8:30ish. This lead to not much activity from the high schoolers until later. We were...
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Mexico Mission Trip – Ready to Go!

The Mexico mission trip team is packed (well, almost, for some of us) and ready to go! The Mexico “12” will begin our journey tomorrow morning to Cañon Buena Vista to join our friends...
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Mexico – The Mission Team

The Team is preparing their hearts to serve at Lantern Hill in Mexico.  This is a trip about building relationships: among those on the Team, with the people of Saint Andrew’s who are...
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